Q: How have your years at NC affected your life?
A: Being in high school and playing a sport has made me come out of my shell. I have become a lot more sociable than I was in middle school.
Q: What are you plans for college or a career?
A: I plan to run track at Louisiana State University and major in an art related field, possibly graphic design. I’ve always been drawing since I was about three years old and I want to continue in college.
Q: How has NC prepared you for college and your future career?
A: Visual Design and Advertisement class at JEL taught me a lot of computer techniques that I can use for graphic design in college.
Q: Which faculty member has been the most influential to you during your time at NC?
A: Coach Will Clarke. Weights class taught me a lot about work ethic and dedication and I thank him for pushing me to be better as an athlete and as a person.
Q: What’s the funniest memory you have from NC?
A: At track practice during junior year our coach called us into the locker room and began talking to us about responsibility. Then he screamed “We are not animals” because somebody on the team didn’t flush the toilet. He made the varsity team clean the toilets after that.