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  • March 4 / 6:15Wind Ensemble | Sectionals (at North Central)
  • March 20 / 7 p.m.Theater | Repertory Showcase (at )
  • March 25 / 6 p.m.Girls Tennis | Center Grove (at Away)
  • April 16 / 5 p.m.Girls Tennis | Guerin Catholic (at Away)
  • April 17 / 4:30 p.m.Girls Tennis | Lawrence North (at Away)
  • April 19 / NoonGirls Tennis | Noblesville (at Away)
  • April 21 / 5 p.m.Girls Tennis | Home (at )
  • April 23 / 4:30 p.m.Girls Tennis | Park Tudor (at Home)
  • April 25 / 7 p.m.Theater | HARVEY (at Birge Auditorium)
  • April 26 / 2 p.m.Theater | HARVEY (at Birge Auditorium)
The Student News Site of North Central High School




Lucy Pappas

Lucy Pappas, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Lucy Pappas is in 12th grade and is one of this year’s co-editors-in-chief. She has been involved in North Central Journalism for all four years of high school. At North Central she manages the football team, performs in Descants and plays varsity softball.

All content by Lucy Pappas
The girls basketball team celebrates after the buzzer goes off and they win the Marion County championship. The girls team has won the tournament two years in a row.

Consecutive Marion County champions

Lucy Pappas, Co-Editor-in-Chief
December 15, 2021
Athletic trainer Miho Sayles wraps up an athlete prior to their game. Sayles is one of the athletic trainers that helps injured student athletes and helps them prevent further injuries.

Multi-sport athletes see benefits

Lucy Pappas, Co-Editor-in-Chief
December 2, 2021
Senior Larry Campbell poses during his Junior Spectacular act. Campbell was a two year varsity starter on the football team.

Senior reflects on favorite traditions

Lucy Pappas, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 2, 2021
A student dissects a shark during zoology. The shark dissection is science teacher Shelly Jackson's favorite lab.

Zoology teacher shares top 10 labs

Lucy Pappas, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 29, 2021
Custodian Mike Weaver 
sprays down equipment. Weaver has worked in his position for 30 years.

Long time custodian adjusts to new protocols

Lucy Pappas, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 27, 2021
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