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  • March 25 / 6 p.m.Girls Tennis | Center Grove (at Away)
  • April 16 / 5 p.m.Girls Tennis | Guerin Catholic (at Away)
  • April 17 / 4:30 p.m.Girls Tennis | Lawrence North (at Away)
  • April 19 / NoonGirls Tennis | Noblesville (at Away)
  • April 21 / 5 p.m.Girls Tennis | Home (at )
  • April 23 / 4:30 p.m.Girls Tennis | Park Tudor (at Home)
  • April 25 / 7 p.m.Theater | HARVEY (at Birge Auditorium)
  • April 26 / 2 p.m.Theater | HARVEY (at Birge Auditorium)
  • April 26 / 7 p.m.Theater | HARVEY (at Birge Auditorium)
  • April 26 / 9 a.m.Girls Tennis | Carmel Invitational (at Carmel)
The Student News Site of North Central High School





NCHS Live! is your official source of North Central High School news created by student journalists. Since 2009, NCHS Live! has informed students through web content, social media and in print.



Advertising policy The editor-in-chief, with guidance from the adviser, shall determine if any advertisement is not acceptable. Ads for illegal products or services will be rejected. Advertisers without NC credit history may be required to prepay.

Anonymous source policy At the discretion of the editor-in-chief, anonymous sources may be used. When anonymous sources are used, only the reporter and editor-in-chief should know the identity of the source. Of course, it is preferred to use sources who will go on the record, however student media staff members understand there are instances when the use of an anonymous, unnamed source is appropriate.

Before publication approval policy Stories, interviews or photographs will not be shared with non-staff members before publication unless the reporter and/or editor-in-chief determine the need to confirm information for clarification. Interviewed subjects have no right to approve a story they appear in.

Byline & photo credit policy All stories written by an individual will receive a byline with the exception of an editorial. Any photos that appear in the publication will receive a photo credit. Photographers are expected to write their own captions. If more than two people contributed to a story the byline will read, “staff.”

Communication regarding publications policy Letters-to-the-editor are the most appropriate way to communicate with the staff, however the correspondence we receive takes a number of forms. E-mails, posts and calls will be shared with appropriate staff members. Exceptions to this are unsigned letters, libelous comments or comments intended to cause harm. Student media encourages letters and posts.

Content-decision policy Content of student media is determined by student editors. The adviser does not determine content. Student media does not engage in prior review before publication.

Controversial topics policy Student media may from time-to-time cover controversial topics. Student journalists should be responsible when covering such topics. While not under prior review, student editors may decide to give the principal a head’s up on the controversial topic before the paper is distributed or web story is published.

Corrections policy The goal of student media is to have no errors; however, the goal is not easily accomplished. The staff apologizes for such errors and will run corrections when possible.

Crime policy If a student or faculty member at North Central commits a criminal act, or is alleged to have committed a criminal act, it is considered newsworthy and will be reported on appropriately.

Diversity Statement NCHS Live! and all North Central High School Student Media strive to provide a fair and balanced representation of all cultures represented at school. We are committed to provide content that ethically and accurately reflects our diverse world and empowers others to tell their stories.

“Editorial” policy Each issue of The Northern Lights will feature an editorial, which reflects the viewpoint of the majority of the editorial board (with contribution from the entire staff). Final decisions regarding the editorial will be made by the editor-in-chief, though the actual editorial might be written by a different member of the editorial staff. Editorials may also appear as part of NCHS Live! online or on social media.

Faculty & staff name policy In accordance with AP Style, faculty and staff will be referred to by full name on first reference and by last name on future references.

Guest writers policy The use of guest writers is at the discretion of the editor-in-chief.

Holding of yearbooks policy Publications will hold yearbooks for a guaranteed 45-day period after they are distributed. After that date, books might be available but the publications department will not guarantee books after this time. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to retrieve his or her book in a timely manner.

Letter to the editor policy Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged, but will only be published if they are signed. Editors-in-chief reserve the right to edit letters for length, grammar and unacceptable content. Letters to the editor should be delivered to K634.

No harm policy It is possible that in the act of reporting a story, a reporter will come upon on a troubled source who may need outside help. In addition to being a reporter, you are a human being. Adhering to the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics edict to “do no harm,” a reporter should notify an adult if they believe a source is going to injure themselves or take their own life immediately.

Obituary policy In the occurrence of the death of a faculty member or student, The Northern Lights will print a recent photo of the deceased with his or her name, a list of survivors, school activities list and student quotes. If a newspaper is not scheduled, a similar post will appear on our social media.

All obituaries will be handled in the same, fair manner.

If a student or faculty member die during the school year and the yearbook deadline allows, a photo of the deceased will appear in the advertising section of the book  with their date of birth and date of death.

Though it could sound cold, obituaries are not run for graduates.

Opinion policy The views of columnists are not necessarily those of the rest of the staff. Student media strives to present a variety of diverse views.

Photo manipulation policy Electronic manipulations changing the essential truth of a photo or illustration will be clearly labeled as a “photo illustration.”

Profanity policy Profanity may appear in student media, but only in cases of direct quotes or if the profanity is necessary to the content of the story. In questionable cases, the editor-in-chief will determine whether the use of profanity is vital to the story.

Please do not confuse profanity with obscenity. No articles or pictures of an obscene nature will be published. Definitions and examples for the above instances can be found at

Publication-driven complaints policy Readers with concerns or complaints regarding student media will be directed to speak with the editor-in-chief initially. The adviser will become involved when deemed appropriate by the editor-in-chief or should the adviser determine the need to become involved sooner.

Senior photo policy To appear in the senior album section of the yearbook, seniors must take their official portrait at the official yearbook photography studio, Inter-State. The deadline is typically around late November.  Photos taken at other studios will not be used.

Social Media Editors, with consultation of the adviser, will monitor social media comments to make sure they are free of libel, as well as appropriate for a school audience. Editors, may at times, close comments to the social media accounts.

Use of minors’ names policy There is no law regarding the use of the name of a minor involved with a criminal activity in the media. The editor-in-chief will determine when it is appropriate to withhold the name of a minor in a publication. Victims of sex crimes are generally not named. The editor-in-chief will determine if and when any names should be printed or withheld.

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