Program offers student’s work experience
Fowler and Williams pose next to the job opportunities board outside of the attendance office. The board offers advice on how and where to get jobs, as well as how to prepare yourself for them.
November 11, 2021
The school hired work-based learning coordinators Shannon Fowler and Charlene Willams to recruit and support students in the Modern Apprenticeship Program. This program is through EmployIndy, an organization that works to help underrepresented students get hired by their partners.
“We were hired by the school, and we basically help to recruit kids into the program, get through the application process, help with their resumes and help them with their interview skills,” Fowler said.
Once students enroll in the program, EmployIndy will take over, but Fowler and Williams still make sure to keep in touch and connected with the students.
The goal of the program is to get young people experience and knowledge in advanced job fields. Some examples include health care, project management, working at the Indianapolis International Airport and Roche Diagnostics.
As it lasts for three years, students get involved with the program their sophomore year, while the hours students work increase each year. In the first year, students will work 12-15 hours a week; in the second year they will work 20-24, and in the third year they will work 32 hours a week. At the end of the program, the employer can decide whether to hire the students full-time. Another option the students have is applying for a college credit in the major related to their apprenticeships.
“Students can take early release to go and work at their job, and they can receive high school credit for it,” Fowler said.
Junior Uriah Khoury is in the program.
“I get paid by the hour and leave school early every day to go work from home,” Khoury said.
Khoury’s apprenticeship is with Roche Diagnostics. Khoury believes that the program is an excellent opportunity to gain working experience and life skills that will help him in the future.
For this year’s sophomores, the parent meeting is next Mondayx.
“A representative from the organization will be there,” Fowler said.
Other programs will be advertised and presented as well.