Students rank their favorite vacation spots
Senior Jalen Lassere visits his favorite vacation spot. Lassere enjoys traveling during school breaks.
March 25, 2021
Ten students rank their favorite spot to vacation.
Ibrahim Nsengiyumva- Dubai
“There are lots of futuristic scenes in Dubai as well as good food and a nice beach. The only downside is that it is extremely hot and humid.”
Jalen Lassere- Charleston, South Carolina
“My family has a beach house down in South Carolina so it feels homey, but also a place where I can relax on vacation.”
Jazmine Jefferson- Palm Beach, Florida
“The scenery and warm weather there are so enjoyable.”
Ricky Vu- Los Angeles (Orange County)
“Because my parents and I live in Indianapolis, when we go to Las Angeles we get to visit with my distant relatives and family.”
Gwyneth Hill- Lake Michigan
“I went to Lake Michigan a lot when I was a little kid. Some of my favorite memories were made on vacations there.”
Robert Fitzgerald- Colorado Springs, Colorado
“Colorado is beautiful and also has a plethora of fun activities to partake in in the great outdoors.”
Peter Waterman- Disney World
“The location is ideal because it is almost always warm there. I always have a super fun experience when I go and Space Mountain is my favorite ride.”
Harrison Jackson-Schildbach- Perth, Australia
“I used to live there and all my family is there. The beaches are really beautiful and the people there are very nice.”
Eliza Rammel- Virginia Beach, Virginia
“I love vacationing on the beach because I love sitting by the beach, playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean. It is also normally warm there and when you live somewhere like Indiana you grow to like warm weather.”
Nate Killeen- St. Petersburg, Florida
“I like to vacation in Florida because it is warm and I like to spend time on the beach. I also enjoy seafood, boats and being tan.”