Long time custodian adjusts to new protocols

Custodian Mike Weaver sprays down equipment. Weaver has worked in his position for 30 years.

Lucy Pappas, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Custodian is a job that often requires the longest and most hours and is crucial for school safety. Since COVID hit, there jobs have changed in many ways, many of which are brand new.

“Everything has more details,” Mike Weaver said. Weaver has been working as custodian for 30 years and this year has proven to be like none other. 

“Everyday we walk the building and clean the handrails between classes. When we go into a classroom now we wipe off light switches and student desks. Teachers are responsible for taking care of the desks during the day,” Weaver said.

There are many added responsibilities this year. “ We wipe off door handles. We have a new disinfectant that we use. You’ll see us sometimes in the hallways during the day with sprayers spraying the lockers, the water fountains and door handles. Different things all during the day. It’s a constant motion where we used to not have to do that,” Weaver said. 

Weaver and all the custodians have been given specific protocols to follow from the school, Marion county and the state. 

“The state and the county have different protocols such as making sure the desks are staying six feet apart. We just revamped the cafeteria to increase the space between the desks that are in there, even from the last time students were here,” Weaver said. 

Weaver explains that the most tedious part of his job now is ensuring that the locker rooms and weight rooms are fully cleaned. 

“Because there is so much turnover in the weight rooms and locker rooms we have to spray off all the weights and everything before the next class. There is a lot more surface area to cover in those areas,” Weaver said. 

Despite the added work and longer hours Weaver is still very passionate about his job. 

 “I just love being here. I have been here for 30 years. Just hanging around the kids. They make me feel a little younger I think. I love the sporting events that we have here and how the kids all get into the sporting events and everything. I really enjoy my job,” Weaver said.