Senior Class Council’s blood drive takes over

Senior Class Council set up a table at lunch to encourage people to sign up for the blood drive.

Mia Behringer, Assistant Editor

The annual NC Blood Drive is quickly approaching and Senior Class Council is getting revved up. Commercials on the daily news, flyers plastering the hallways and a table set up at lunch are only some of the ways they are getting ready for the massive blood donation event at the beginning of February.

Every year, Senior Class Council takes on the task of getting as many students and staff to sign up for the blood drive as possible. This will be the fourth Blood Drive bonanza that I get to experience. Even last year when school was riddled with hybrid and online school schedules, as well as numerous COVID-19 protocols, the Blood Drive soldiered on. 

Versiti brought in a number of buses equipped with everything needed to collect blood from all of those who signed up. The nurses and qualified personnel held all the screenings and did the actual blood drawing in the buses.

 Last year was my first year of eligibility to donate and I made it all the way to the iron test before I was told I could not donate. Iron is one of the factors they check before they let you give blood. I had my finger pricked and a small drop of blood was taken to see if I was low in iron. If your iron is too low, the effects of losing a pint of your blood are too much to risk the donation.
Iron is only one factor the medical personnel check to make sure that the donation is safe for the donator. As most students know already because of the plethora of blood donation propaganda splattering social media and the school walls, you must be at least 110 pounds to donate. You also must be 16 years old and in good health. 

The rules are put in place in order to protect the donor and the patient receiving their blood. Blood donors are screened before they donate so transmittable diseases are not collected. The blood that is collected is later screened further to make sure recipients do not receive anything other than what they need in their transfusions.

I have signed up to donate this year because I believe the possibility of getting to save three lives just by donating less than an hour of my time and a pint of blood outweighs any uncomfortability I have with the blood drawing process.

I am not sure what blood type that I have, but the nationwide blood shortage makes every pint collected important. However, those who have O blood types should be especially inclined to donate and even seek out other donation opportunities at a future date. The O blood types are universal donors, meaning whatever they give can be given to anyone no matter their blood type.

The NC Blood Drive is one of the best school-sponsored events that we have. It is a great way to help out the community and it looks great for the school. Those who donate will feel a sense of accomplishment for their generosity. Donate to the Blood Drive!