Senior Class Council sparks spirit
Senior Class Council hangs posters all over the school announcing the themes for Senior Spirit Week. Senior Class Council is trying to bring some fun to the students school day by engaging them in fun activities.
December 6, 2021
Senior Class Council has recently planned new activities for the student body for the last few weeks of school to bring some spirit to the students, focusing on seniors.
“Right now, we are implementing Fun Fridays and Senior Week. These days have fun activities throughout the day,” senior class vice president Ellen Howard said.
Senior Week involves a senior spirit week which gives a daily theme for seniors to dress up to. Today’s theme was senior slump, Tuesday’s theme is senior citizen, Wednesday’s theme is college or post-high school plans, Thursday’s theme is a throwback to kindergarten, and Friday’s theme is senior apparel or NC colors.

Also today, seniors can show their student ID in their lunch period and receive a free water bottle, hand sanitizer, candy, and a BOGO coupon to Bipibop.
Last week’s Fun Friday was trivia for all grade levels in the cafeteria. Every lunch period had a chance to win trivia, the first lunch table to answer all questions correctly was awarded candy.
“These activities are meant to raise spirits among the school. We [senior class council] wanted to make school fun again. We want to give the students and the teachers something to look forward to,” Howard said.
Ideas from Senior Class Council have to be passed by administrators in cabinet meetings before they are put into action.
“Depending on the idea, it is pretty easy [to pass ideas by admin]. We come to cabinet meetings very prepared. Admin seems to be enthusiastic about supporting seniors this year,” Howard said.
Next semester the council will plan even more events. They will organize the blood drive, grad dance, and the senior parent luncheon. “Of course, we wish we could do more activities, but there is only so much you can do within a school year,” Howard said.
Senior Class Council welcomes new ideas or suggestions. Direct messaging their Instagram account or emailing them are ways to contact them about opinions directly. Additionally, the student council has a QR code for ideas and relays messages relevant to the senior class council.