Smash for Cash for the canned food drive
Signs hang on the walls informing students of the canned food drive and Smash for Cash. The canned food drive lasts until December 10 and Smash for Cash ends this Friday.
November 16, 2021
This week, the North Central canned food drive kicks off with Smash for Cash. Smash for Cash is an annual event where NC partners with local restaurants to raise money for the school.

a different restaurant participates in Smash for Cash. The restaurants include Chik-fil-a, Chipotle, Bazbeaux, Arni’s, MOD Pizza and Nutriton Hub.
This year, local restaurants will host a “dine and donate,” proceeds will be donated to the canned food drive. Depending on the restaurant, 20 to 33 percent of the bill will go to the food drive. The canned food drive encourages students to donate canned goods for families in need. The food drive lasts from November 15 to December 10.
Senior class president William Boswell organized this year’s Smash for Cash event.
“We are encouraging everyone to eat out to raise as much money as possible for those in need in our district,” Boswell said.
There is no specific goal, but in previous years, thousands of dollars have been raised. Senior class council tries to raise more money each year.
There are six restaurants participating in the event. Chick-fil-a on yesterday, Chipotle on Today, Bazbeaux’s on Wednesday, Arni’s on Thursday and MOD Pizza and Nutrition Hub on Friday. Flyers are available to present to the restaurant worker to ensure that the proceeds will go to the school.