This year MSD Washington Township has switched their snow days into e-learning days. When snow days occur schools lose valuable learning time, causing students to fall behind.
During e-learning days teachers will assign homework through a program called Canvas. Every student in Washington Township has access to a Canvas account and is able to use it outside of school. Canvas is a resource teachers can use to give out assignments and quizzes through technology rather than having to be there in person. This allows students and teachers to stay up to date with their work even if they are not in class.
“I think if students take it seriously learning could take place on those days,” science teacher Brian Gropp said.
Teachers will be enforced to assign small amounts of work to their students through Canvas. However, they cannot assign too much due to the fact that not every family has access to a computer for an extended period of time or a computer at all.
As a result of the change, e-learning days count as a full school day and will not be added on to the end of the year.