Each year, prom is a major event in which a good portion of the junior class students attend. In recent years attendance has been around 700 students.
Many students look forward to the nominations of prom court. Prom court is a selected group of students who are running for prom king and queen. As the attendance overall is high each year this competition allows students to be more involved by being able to vote and or run for the title of prom king or queen.
The prom court nominees for queen are Daryka Johnson, Ali Curlin, Gabby Green, Brigette Brase, Skylyn Blue, and Chloe Couden-Case. The nominees for king are Cobey Whaley, Michael Brown, Giovanni Hernandez, Howard Hendricks, and Brendon Gibson.
Contestants often promote themselves through social media and school. The campaign process includes creating flyers to be posted on social media pages and around the school. These flyers typically include pictures of the candidate, their name, a reason to vote for them and when to vote for them.
Junior Spectacular is a substantial fund raiser for the prom dance. The student council is responsible for the management of these two events so the funds produced by Junior Spectacular are relative to the budget made for prom.
The venue and extravagance of the prom varies based on the funds produced by the school each year. This year prom will be held at the Old National Center located in downtown Indianapolis. Last year prom was held at the J.W. Marriott. A difference between this year and last is the price of the tickets as last year the price was $45 and this year the price is $50.