The King’s Court madrigal dinner is an annual event put on by King’s Court that involves singing and acting.
“Madrigal dinner isn’t just a show, it’s an experience. The audience eats their meal while being entertained with song, humor, and dance,” senior Sarah Meagher said.
While the dinner is different in many ways from other concerts, there are some things that are the same as other concerts.
“Like any other concert, madrigal dinner includes singing songs from the renaissance era mixed with a few contemporary works,” Meagher said.
The Madrigal dinner is one the King’s Court choir’s biggest events of the year.
“Madrigal dinner is probably the biggest event for King’s Court along with Side by Side in the spring,” Meagher said.
For a show as long as the Madrigal dinner, it takes a long time to prepare, both in and out of class.
“We have rehearsal after school and the weekend. We are also responsible to be practicing our lines and music during free time,” Meagher said.
The concerts this year take place on Friday, Dec 7 from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday, Dec 8 from 12-2 p.m.